These vibrant shoulder tote bags are perfect to carry your laptop, folders and documents or just take out on a day for shopping. They are made from 100% heavy weight cotton canvas, and are fully lined with black and white cotton, making it easy to see the small things inside. The leather straps are long enough to sit comfortably on the shoulder. Simple, elegant and spacious.
Shoulder Tote by Cedric Varcoe 43 x 38cm
When Ngurunderi travelled through what is now Ngarrindjeri country he came down the Murray River in his canoe. At that time it was just a small stream. Ngurunderi was looking for his two wives who had run away from him and was following Pondi, the big Murray Cod who had created the twists and turns of the river when sweeping his huge tail from side to side. Ngurunderi was trying to spear Pondi all the way along the journey. Together they formed the Murray River, lakes and landforms and everything in Ngarrindjeri Country. Ngurunderi made the rain that feeds the river and the country. With the rain came the rainbow, which can be seen in this painting. Ngurunderi also made the Ngarrindjeri people, who live along and around the River Murray, lakes, the Coorong region and across to Cape Jervis and the southern regions of what is now Adelaide. Ngurunderi travelled with his family and they also played a part in the creation of Ngarrindjeri country. Ngurunderi taught everyone the lore, dance, song, how to hunt and live and everything they needed to survive in their country. When they reached Lake Alexandrina Nepele, Ngurunderi’s brother in law, helped spear and kill Pondi. Ngurunderi cut Pondi into many pieces, each piece creating a new species of fish that now populates the river system. Ngurunderi never did catch his wives who drowned when crossing to Kangaroo Island, which was still joined to the mainland at that time. At this point Ngurunderi joined the spirit world becoming a star in the Milky Way.
This is a popular dreaming story of a group of sisters being chased through the desert by one man. There are numerous scenarios as the women travel around, chased by Wati Nyiru. Land forms were created as they all travelled though the countryside Eventually they rose up into the sky and form the Pleiades, a cluster of stars seen in the southern skies. There are many variations of this story, each language group has it’s own chapters that relate to the landscape in their own country.
CROSS-CULTURAL PROJECTS - fine art - fine craft - ethical trade
We work with traditional artisans from remote regions in Kashmir, Peru, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Nepal (Tibetan refugees).
We work with Australian Aboriginal artists from remote communities across Australia, from Arnhem Land to Central and the Western Desert regions, from rural locations and from cities. Artists own the images used and it is up to them how they can be used.
Artists benefit from royalties paid to them on a monthly basis. Art centres benefit from a substantial profit share paid on their investments.
Artisans benefit by having culturally appropriate opportunities, they are able to supplement rural income by practising age-old traditions in their own homes located in remote beautiful clean villages.
* Products come with artist information and art story *